1:1 Sound Healing Work
LeeAnn combines the traditional practices of shamanism with Sound Healing.
Sound healing is based on the theory of
Sympathetic resonance- when one vibrating object matches the vibration of another vibrating object.
Sound Healing interacts with the body’s Biofield. The term Biofield refers to our body’s electrical system in its entirety- both the electric current that runs through our bodies, and the magnetic field that surrounds it, both are vibrating.
Biofield tuning is a sound therapy method that works directly with the system, seeing it as inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including our memories.
All physical, mental, and emotional disorders can be perceived as “dissonance” in our electrical system. Biofield tuning is able to locate, diminish and resolve this dissonance, and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding, physical, mental, and or emotional symptoms.
How it works
During a Sound Healing session, the client lays fully clothed on a treatment table, while LeeAnn activates a tuning fork and scans the biofield, slowly, beginning from about 6 feet away.
LeeAnn is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client's biofield while listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork.
When she encounters a turbulent area, she continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot. Research suggests the body's ongoing intelligence uses the steady coherent, vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to “tune” itself.
Shamanic Energy Work
Certain illnesses are more likely to have a spiritual component that may respond to shamanic healing techniques. These include psychological diagnoses like depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, autism and addictions.
Illnesses that manifest physically may still have significant spiritual underpinnings. This is especially true for illnesses that have atypical or premature presentations, such as a degenerative illness that normally occurs in elder years occurring in a young adult.
The sense that something is "missing" or that "I haven't been the same since..." can often be indicative of an energetic loss of some type, including soul energy loss. Shamanic healing is often part of a multi-pronged approach to an illness, and is fully compatible with both conventional medicine and other integrative treatments, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic and others.