I am American Indian on my mom’s side, and have fully embraced the healer and story teller that’s always been inside of me. 

In 2020, pandemic raging, I became a Shaman. Shamanism had been popping into my head since my twenties, several times I had looked into training only to talk myself out of it, because I didn’t think I was worthy. A friend pointed out that my repeated interest in Shamanism was a calling, it was calling me. Now I know that I come from a long line of medicine people. 

Last March I journeyed to Italy with a friend and was invited to a sound bath in Tuscany. The sound bath took me on a journey that showed me my next steps, to integrate shamanic healing with sound healing. 

I work one on one with folks that are experiencing chronic pain that western medicine can’t explain. And heal them. It’s not me, I am only a conduit…


Throughout history, we have had great philosophers and scientists, who have acknowledged the power of sound to heal and transform.

Music was not an art form, but a way of using energy and power to be respected and studied as a secret science. The principles of vibration, which are at the core of these ancient beliefs, are still as relevant and true today as they were thousands of years ago. LeeAnn weaves the instruments below into a signature Sound Journey with the intention of love and healing. Her intention is always to bring her listeners into a state of pure consciousness, into a state of deep relaxation and restoration. When the body is relaxed the mind can expand.

The Gong 

The gong is one of the oldest man made sounds, dating back over 5,000 years, playing an important role in ceremonies, rituals and healing in cultures including China, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Greece, India, South America and Africa. 

The gong's sounds and vibrations have a quick effect on the brain and the body. They move us from our awake (Beta) state to a more relaxed and calm (Alpha) state, then on to a restful (Theta) state and finally to a deeply relaxing meditative (Delta) state. 

They cause the brain, heart and respiratory rates to slow down and increase the release of melatonin, endorphin and dopamine chemicals that are linked to feelings of expanded mental clarity. 

From a sacred geometry viewpoint, a circle – the gong’s basic shape – represents a beginning that has no end. It connects us to an ever-expanding potential & represents our connection with the true nature of oneness. 

Throughout many traditions & cultures, it also stands as symbol for heaven, totality, perfection, unity, eternity & for inclusive harmony. 

The Gong produces a strong sound wave, almost tangible to the touch. 

This invigorates the physical body by influencing the surface of the skin and every cell. On a physical level, the gong releases tension and blocks in the body. 

It stimulates a higher functioning of the glandular and nervous system. This increases prana which is our vital life force and improves circulation. 

The sound of a live gong activates circulation. The gongs wide range of frequencies trigger restoration of nerve endings and may prove useful in recovering from injuries in which nerve damage has occurred. 

As physical distress and illness often have an emotional and stress related component as well, the gong affects the physical health by working in these areas also. 

The gong also works deeply on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The gong purifies and quiets the mind. It clears the clutter from the subconscious mind to reveal the radiant and authentic self. 

The gong has the capacity to bring us to our neutral mind that is wise and nonjudgmental. It helps turn the mind to zero, a state of stillness where innate wisdom can be accessed.

The secret of the gong is its tremendous potential for healing and rejuvenation. The gong covers the full spectrum of sound. It vibrates all the cells, bones and organs, some more than others, depending upon the pitch of the gong. You hear and feel an influx of energy coming from it in your body. 

The gong is more accurately a force of energy, affecting the body’s meridians and chakras. During profound peaceful states of the mind, which are typically achieved during meditative phases, the body’s natural healing process is profoundly supported. 

The sound and resulting vibrations generated by the gongs and Himalayan singing bowls stimulate the theta brain frequencies that are commonly associated with deeper states of meditation. 

Heart and respiratory rates slow down, creating a favorable healing effect upon the body’s entire system. 

The integration of a gong during a sound healing session releases stress is and a restoration of the body’s natural equilibrium is made possible. 

Crystal Harp and Crystal Singing Bowls 

LeeAnn’s crystal harp and crystal singing bowls are both medical devices and instruments; the high-grade quartz crystals in every harp/bowl are able to amplify, store, focus, transfer and most importantly transmute energy. Crystal singing bowls and harps have a profound impact on our bodies, as they are crystalline in structure and share an affinity with our human DNA. The deep impact of these high frequency instruments transform not only the bones and tissues but penetrate the sub atomic structure of the cell. According to oncologist Mitchell Gaynor, MD crystal sound energy therapy is the future of modern medicine. It offers the same benefits to conditions of the body as some prescription drugs: vibrations from crystal sound resonate the nervous system, transform brain states and effectively treat stress, depression, sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s and cancer. 

Clear quartz heals by clearing out blocked energy that is stuck in a person's energetic structure, or biofield. Quartz "loosens" up stagnant energy so that it can rejoin the energy flow. Clear quartz also energizes. It provides a strong & clear channel for energy to come in & leave a person's energetic structure. 

*Could talk about how they clear chakras but not sure it's necessarily needed on the website as the word Chakra is not commonly understood in the West. 

*More about chakras : add link 

Tibetan Bowls 

Tibetan bowls are forged with alloys that usually contain from five to seven precious metals, which are connected to the planets of our galaxy: lead (Saturn), tin (Jupiter), iron (Mars), copper (Venus), mercury (Mercury), silver (the Moon) and gold (the Sun). The size of the bowl and the ratio between the metals affect the tone, vibration and quality of sound produced by the bowl.

Bowls vary in shapes and looks as they are used for sound therapy in different ways and with different accessories. The most commonly used accessory are the so called “strikers”, which are used to strike to bowls, or wooden mallets which are rotated around the rim of the bowl. 

The sound is undoubtedly one of the most powerful media, as it can take the human spirit in different states of consciousness. 

Besides their traditional use for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration, to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and shoulders, to ease pain related to sciatica, the digestive system, headaches and migraine or spine injuries, to improve circulation, release tensions or blockages, to open the energy flow, eliminate the toxins from the body. When we relax with the sounds of Tibetan bowls or the gong, our concentration improves and our emotional tensions and blockages are eased. The sound with its vibrations can ease mental or emotional pain (low self-esteem, worries, fear, anger, anxiety, depression, insomnia). Tibetan singing bowls and their unique tones are used to stabilize blood pressure, to ease asthma related issues, to renew the functioning of the adrenal gland, to open and stabilize the meridians and to improve the synaptic responses in our brain. They also help children with hyperactive disorders and they stimulate the immune system. 


There’s a reason why mothers have sung lullabies to their babies for thousands of years, the voice is the most comforting sound to the human ear. 

Whether it’s chanting, vocal toning or lyrics, LeeAnns intention is always the same; to bring comfort, and ease with her voice. 

The human voice can be thought of as an ultimate melodic instrument, because it is capable of instant expression, with no instrument required to translate, thoughts and feelings into sound. The voice is capable of a huge variety and depth of expressions. With the human voice, thought almost equals sound. 

LeeAnn has always considered her voice to be her favorite instrument. Having studied voice for many years as a musician, using her voice now in a sound healing capacity brings new meaning and understanding to the power of voice on our minds and bodies. The voice both soothes and empowers us to live our best lives. 

The spoken word 

Our words matter.