Sonic Wellness
Embrace your potential to be well.
The sounds introduced during a Sound Healing are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep relaxation, stress relief, emotional healing and self-discovery.
A Sound Journey, as I like to call the experience, is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to NURTURE YOUR MIND AND BODY.
Allow me to help you reconnect to your vitality and live in a state of balance and well-being.
We live in a vibrational universe. You are a vibrational being.
As a sound therapist I have studied spiritual and scientific texts as they relate to sound, vibration and the human existence, the human body.
I would like you to consider that we live in a vibrational universe; you are a vibrational being whose cells and organs all pulsate at a particular frequency. Our brain pulsates with electromagnetic energy, affected by our emotions, our health and our general state of well-being.
Our body contracts and pulses at various rates, including your heartbeat, your stomach contracting, the very act of breathing. Together they make up you, a composite of frequencies, and so we each vibrate to our own personal tune. Disease, depression, negative behavior patterns – these are all symptoms of a body and mind being out of tune, quite literally.
Not only do our bodies vibrate on a cellular level, these vibrations do not end with the skin, but instead, continue out into space on a vibratory continuum being connected by an energy field or a matrix of waves.
In terms of how you experience the world, the energy and vibration you give off is met and reflected back to you. We can feel this on an emotional level when we say “someone is on our wavelength” or we feel in tune or connected with someone that we just met. This can also apply to a place as well.
If we can raise and enhance our internal vibration, we can create a situation that reflects back a more positive experience of life. Sound healing can help us achieve that goal.
Nicola Tesla said – “if you want to find the secret of the universe, you need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. “